Work in progress #24

More news about a new release πŸ™‚

Development is going well. I managed to do a considerable amount of work in a short time. The reworking of the engine is almost completed, and it’s time to start making the quest scripting, sound effects, testing, converting animation, etc.

A lot of work, but it’s not too much in comparison with task done already.

Also, rendering is still in progress, and it’ll be finished near 10th as I promised before. Maybe, if the stars converge and everything else is ready, then I add final renders to the game like hotcakes straight from the oven and release the game πŸ™‚

But there may be the delay for 1-2 days. I work with all my force, and I will try to release the game as early as possible.

The v0.1 will count 1200 renders πŸ™‚

Not too bad for the first version, yeah? πŸ˜‰

To reduce the waiting time, I will post non-critical spoilers every 1-2 days πŸ˜‰

I don’t want to reveal the story πŸ˜‰

Stay up to date!

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