Work in progress #2


This is regular post about progress of the Game.

Firstly, I want to say that I switched to Ren’Py engine. The reason for this is that Ren’Py plays videos on all devices. The platform on which my previous engine was created had problems with it, especially on Mac’s.

Nevertheless, Ren’py does not have so many possibilities out of the box. So I still took time writing the gameplay engine based on it.

I tried to implement all the advanced features used in another top games.

1. There are many locations in the Game, between which the player can move freely. Also there will be the Map of the city.

2. Time of day may change (day or evening) with corresponding renders.

3. This game is not from the first person. This game is about beautiful girl Monica. So you’ll see her on the screen in almost all the locations. She will be in her current clothes. She will look somewhere, or maybe at You 🙂

4. The Game world is not just a picture, it’s alive! Almost everything that you will see on the screen is interactively. For example, there is a click on the bed in the screenshot. You can choose between actions to use on it. Of course, you can take or move only some of the items. But you can click on almost all the items on the screen to see the comments from Monica about them. This will help you to know Monica better. Her character and her past. You can even click on Monica herself 😉

5. Choices. There will be many choices in the Game. All of them will affect the story. Some less, some more. You can make Monica act almost like a decent girl. Or as a complete bitch 🙂

6. H-scenes. There will be much more H-scenes in the Episode 1.

In general, this is a completely new very awesome game!!

The overall progress of the first version is about 60%.

I can say with certainty that the main job is in the first version. After the first version is released, the development of the next versions will go much faster.

Stay up to date!

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    • Guest on May 12, 2018 at 6:41 pm
    • Reply

    Тоже выскажу сомнение в необходимости Ren’Py- движка. На f95 многие ныли что ходить, видите ли долго по карте… Серьёзно? Судя по тому сколько приходилось бегать в Lida’s Adventure и сколько лет ждать апдейтов, жаловаться на лишние 30-60 минут експлоринга по карте???
    У RPGM есть неоспоримое достоинство – ты полностью вовлечён в геймплей, а не просто сторонний наблюдатель. И ещё в RPGM значительно проще реализовать ветвление сюжета. Да, платформа довольно примитивная… Но теперь появляются опасение, что получится очередная visual novel в духе D’n’D .
    Но хочется выразить респект автору что хотя бы решение о смене движка принял довольно рано, а не забросил проект на половине (как это обычно бывает). И что зарелизил более-менее законченную версию, а не какую-то демку из обрывков копипасты))

    • ayseq22 on May 13, 2018 at 12:00 pm
    • Reply

    Жду новый эпизод как приход Христа

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