Fashion Business v0.1 free version

Fashion Business v0.1 720p goes to free.

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    • Natachat on August 16, 2018 at 2:14 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Decent Monkey,

    Thank you for making version 0.1 available for free. ^_^
    Do you plan to continue with 0.2 in one month and have a lag of two months with the Patreon version ?
    I do not have the means to pay you but I want to tell you that you do a very good job, the quality of modeling, the clothes are really very successful and the choices bring a lot to the story.
    I wish you the success you deserve.



    1. Thanks for appreciating words!
      Yeah, I’ll release v0.2 for free after releasing v0.4 😉

    • Natachat on August 18, 2018 at 4:04 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you for your answer and the good news. You’re very kind. ^_^

    I just went through the project, I read that bitchs choices send to bad end.

    I am a shy and kind person, but I have fun being severe in the game. I laughed when Monica asked $50,000 for the scratch on the wall and see how people reacted, their fear.
    Monica is really brave, smart, glamorous and sexy despite her bad temper. I love it. 🙂
    Do you think it would be a good idea, a secret happy end in very bitch mode ? For example, Monica’s blaming someone in her place to avoid jail ? (I know it’s really very bad). Everyone would be surprised and that leaves the chance that she will get through these past mistakes.

    I’m sorry, if my idea is stupid.


    1. I don’t wish to spoil the future story 😉

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