Did you miss Melanie?

A familiar place, isn’t it?

Work in progress #24

More news about a new release 🙂

Development is going well. I managed to do a considerable amount of work in a short time. The reworking of the engine is almost completed, and it’s time to start making the quest scripting, sound effects, testing, converting animation, etc.

A lot of work, but it’s not too much in comparison with task done already.

Also, rendering is still in progress, and it’ll be finished near 10th as I promised before. Maybe, if the stars converge and everything else is ready, then I add final renders to the game like hotcakes straight from the oven and release the game 🙂

But there may be the delay for 1-2 days. I work with all my force, and I will try to release the game as early as possible.

The v0.1 will count 1200 renders 🙂

Not too bad for the first version, yeah? 😉

To reduce the waiting time, I will post non-critical spoilers every 1-2 days 😉

I don’t want to reveal the story 😉

Stay up to date!


I’m glad to present you a long-awaited full walkthrough of the game!

This walkthrough made by Ragnaroekr.

This walkthrough describes in great detail the influence of the choices on the game.

It’s worth to look. Maybe you missed something? 😉

Walkthrough page link

PDF direct download link

Spoiler #3

Work in progress #23

The news about progress!All this time I’m very actively engaged in the development of Episode 2.

Now is the end of the stage of the rendering of game arts. It’s about 90% of renders already sent to the render station. Currently, there is about one thousand total of them.

The next step is to create an animation (yes, there will be animation with Monica). Total render time of animation and arts will take about ten more days.

In this time I’ll rework the game engine. It’s impossible to start the new chapter based on the mess that has accumulated there. Also needs to make a lot of improvements in it.

I had hopes that the programmer will help me to speed up the work, but I still have not found a good helper.

So I have to do everything myself, which will affect the release date of the game.

I planned to release the game at the end of this month, or the very beginning of the next. Due to the amount of renders and work with the engine, I can say that I will not have time this month. Most likely the game will be released closer to the December 10th.

Please understand me. I’m working at full speed, trying to maintain a high level of quality, but it costs time.

I want to make the sequel worthy of the previous game. I hope you stay with me and help me with this.

Spoiler #2

Screenshot from EP2 v0.1

Monica can still taste the good life, but how can it turn out for her? 😉

Spoiler #1

Screenshot from EP2 v0.1

Work in progress #22


It’s time to tell the news about the game and share thoughts about the future!

Work is going well. A lot has already been done, but also a lot more to do.

In the second episode, I want to use slightly different gameplay. The engine was initially written as some semblance of a sandbox. The first episode was linear, so the rework was linear too, but with some freedom of choice. In a linear plot, choices produce an infinite number of branches. Developing of the whole variety of branches is simply impossible.

It was decided to make the second episode with a number of storylines.

The storylines will be different. And if you like some events, but do not like others, then you can play only those storylines that interest you. Each of the main storylines will have its own final of the game. Where will Monika eventually come…

One more parameter will be added – “corruption”. If you wish you can play only certain storylines and complete the game without hard hot and humiliation scenes (Monica would be very grateful to you ^_^ ), but if you wish to make progress in such lines, you need to increase “corruption”. Bitchiness will also mean 🙂

Monica will wake up in the morning, and she will have a choice what to do next.

She needs to get food somehow. She needs to eat every day, or almost every 🙂

Monica can just steal food at the gas station, or she can make money on it.

This will be the beginning of the fall storyline.

The fall storyline

The fall storyline will start with the fact that Monica will have to work in poor neighborhoods and communicate with many people. Monica needs nothing more from these people but to do her job. But you understand that some people want a few more…  🙂

How Monica reacts and where this path can lead her depends on you 🙂

This story will later give the start to other storylines…

Betty and Bardie

Monica needs to live in a house, which means she has duties. If she wants Betty to be kind to her, she will have to clean the house every day.

In the house, two storylines start at once.

The Betty line and the Bardie line. These stories will cross, but this is one of the most humiliating ways for Monica.

These stories will also give a start to other storylines in which you will meet many familiar characters.

The office storyline

After all, Monica can borrow money from a secretary in the office.

This is the office storyline. Monica will meet new boss Beef and also Melanie, Alex, Dick, Victoria, etc…

These storylines will be started from v0.1.

In the near future they will be continued and also new ones will be added.

For example:

Marcus storyline.

Steve storyline.

The neighbour storyline.

Perry storyline

and many others.

The ultimate goal of the game is to return the former life. What kind of life it will depend on which path Monika takes. It’s quite possible that this is far from the life that she would like at the beginning. But who knows what she will be by then 🙂

As you see, it will be a significant and exciting game. Of course, only the beginning will be implemented in v0.1, but there will already be something to play.

I planned to release v0.1 at the end of this month. I don’t have confidence that I will have time to do it. But I promise I will try.

Launching a new episode is hard work for me, but further updates will go faster.

I hope you stay with me. Only thanks to you this game develops and sees the light!

Work in progress #21


I wish to report that I’m working on the continuation of the story.

As you can see, Monica is not pleased with the state of things.

So she wants to fix everything and quickly return as it was. Find out in Episode 2 if she succeeds and how fast? And what will she have to go through on this path?

It all depends on you too. You can make it easy for her, but you can make her go through the all possible and impossible things 😉

Stay up to date!