The release of “Fashion Business EP2.07”will be soon!
Also, I wish to say about the decision to make some changes in the released versions.
From now, 20+, 30+ and 50+ tiers will receive “FullHD Extra”version, which will include more content and more animations (more scenes and more angles). The difference will be not too big, but hot.
For example, this Extraupdate will include the scene with Monica’s secretary in the slumsand Melanie’s actionwhich you see in the post image, but without a bra😉
5+ and 10+ will receive the same version as before, but I plan to make FullHD versionavailable for them tooin the future. So everyone will be happy.
The upcoming update will consist of about 2030 new images. And this is a record (mine at least).
I also want to thank everyone who supports me. Without your support, not a single new day of Monica would be impossible.
And now I continue working hard and prepare a new release.
Respectfully yours, DecentMonkey.
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Это удар ножом в спину. Прошу пересмотреть своё решение
Не усматривайте в этом трагедию 🙂
лут боксы ещё добавь что бы анимации выбивать))))))
Не подсказывай. 🙂
Я не знаю что такое “лутбоксы”.
Я всего-лишь работаю с утра до ночи чтобы делать хорошую игру 😉
@DecentMonkey огромное спасибо тебе за этот шедевр! Продолжай в том же духе! 🙂
Am happy Mrs decent monkey am proud of you you are working great I can’t wait for release anyway this time lot of scene Monica thanks you sir
Hey, after follow updates needs more time to starting application!
Thank you so much <3
This is the best game. Love your dedication towards. I was just curious about whether we’ll see more of the prostitute’s mother in this update or in the future. ❤️❤️
@decentmonkey sir please tell us the release date of version 0.9.
I’m working hard on the update. The release will be at the end of the month of the very beginning of the next.